'웹기획'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2009.01.13 The Website Development Process 1
웹사이트 구축 프로세스를 잘 보여주는 명쾌한 해설
사실, 웹에이전시나 클라이언트나 각 프로세스를 잘 짚고 이해만 해도 대부분의 프로젝트는 성공할 듯 하다.

세주인공을 통하여 웹사이트 개발 프로세스를 이해해보자!!
프로그래머, 디자이너, 그리고 클라이언트
Our three characters: a programmer, a designer and a client.

The photo was actually one in a whole series of photos I shot for a client presentation, detailing the website design / development process in a manner that was easily understandable and also fun to look at. This article takes you through that process, using the same photos. We hope you enjoy the pictures and if it also helps you to manage your workflow better if you are starting out as a web designer then that’s cool too :)

However, as is the organic nature of these things, there are an infinite amount of variables that can affect the project timeline. For that reason, projects are never ever as clear-cut as in this sequence of photos. Things may need to be done over and over, steps may get jiggled around, you may need more time for CMS / back-end development etc - so please think of this sequence as merely a basic example of the kind of process that I have grown comfortable with, speaking as a web designer/developer.

Naturally you’re going to want to start your project with a client chit-chat. At the first meeting you need to establish the basic scope of the work - what needs to be done, roles and responsibilities, who is your point of contact for materials (text content, images) etc.

Posted by Jeremie 2.0